Sunaparanta – Goa Centre for the Arts in association with CLP/Institute Camoes presents 

The FUNDAÇÃO CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN and the Contemporary Portuguese

Cinema Festival

on 19th November 2013 from 6:30 pm onwards


Schedule is as follows:

6.30 pm: Introductory presentation by Delfim Correia da Silva, Director of CLP/Camões in Goa

6.45 – 7:45 pm

ARENA (15´) by João Salaviza

RAFA (25´) by João Salaviza

DISPERSÃO (Dispersal) (4´40´´) by João Constâncio

UM AMOR PRÓPRIO (A love of my own) (5´50´´) by Miguel Tomar Nogueira

A MINHA MÃE É PIANISTA (My mother is a pianist) (4´15´´) by João Rosas

BENÇÃO (Blessing) (4´55´´) by Paula Albuquerque


7.45 pm: Break


8.00  - 9:00 pm

UM DIA FRIO (Cold Day) (27´) by Cláudia Varejão

FIM-DE-SEMANA (Weekend) (8´30´´) by Cláudia Varejão

SUPERFÍCIE (Surface) (13´30´´) by Rui Xavier

MY SUGAR (9´30´´) by Joana Lima



A little detail about some of the film makers:

João Salaviza


Born in Lisbon in 1984. He studied cinema at Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema in Lisbon and completed his studies at the Universidad del Cine in Buenos Aires. His first short film, TWO PEOPLE, 2005, was selected for several festivals and won the Take One Award in Vila do Conde. In 2009, with ARENA, he won the Palme d’Or for best short film at the Cannes Film Festival and the award for best Portuguese short film at IndieLisboa. He then participated in several renowned international festivals such as Tribeca, Rotterdam, London and Pusan (PIFF). In 2010, he finished HOTEL MüLLER (based on the work of Pina Bausch) and CASA NA COMPORTA for the Portuguese entry in the 12th International exhibition of Architecture – Venice Biennale. He is currently working in the short CERRO NEGRO for the programme Próximo Futuro from Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. In the summer of 2011, Salaviza will shoot the short RAFA to be followed by the pre production of his first feature film.



Born in Porto in 1980. In 2002, she initiated her studies in image at Restart, in Lisbon. By the end of the course, she directed her multi-awarded documentary, Falta-me. In 2006, she studied fictional cinema directing at the International Cinema Academy of São Paulo, Brazil, and attended the cinema course within the 2nd edition of th Programa de Criatividade da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian with the Deutsche Film und Fernsehakademie Berlin. She directed her first fiction short, Weekend, in 2007 (selected in Montpellier). Her work has been mainly as director of photography in doucumentaries and the development of video projects with artists from different fields such as Beatriz Batarda, Inês de Medeiros, Joana Vasconcelos, Madalena Victorino, Maria João Pires among others. Cold Day, her second fiction short film, has been selected in Montpellier 2009. Morning Light is her last short.

Background about the Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation: 

Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian was born in Scutari (now Üsküdar), Istanbul on 23 March 1869, the son of Sarkis and Dirouhie Gulbenkian, members of an illustrious Armenian family whose origins date back to the fourth century.

His will (1953) is a clear statement of his philanthropic nature, as he left nearly all of his fortune to the Foundation that he wished to create. The statutory aims of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation -one of the largest foundations in the world- are to work in the fields of welfare, the arts, education and science.

Founded in 1956, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has its headquarter in Avenida de Berna, 45, Lisbon. 

On the field of Arts - one of its four statutory aims - the Foundation maintains a Museum which houses the Calouste Gulbenkian private Collection, and a Modern Art Centre, which comprises and furthers the Foundation's collection of contemporary art works.

The Foundation supports the creation, dissemination and research on plastic arts, history of art, archaeology and heritage, cinema, dance and theatre through grants.

Gulbenkian Foundation started in 1961 a program of scholarships awarded to filmgoers and young generation of filmmakers to study abroad; in September 1971 Gulbenkian established an agreement of collaboration with Centro Português de Cinema and sponsored since then several film productions in Portugal, namely the most prestigious directors of Cinema Novo (New Cinema) such as António-Pedro de Vasconcelos, Paulo Rocha, João César Monteiro, José Fonseca e Costa, António Campos, Alfredo Tropa or Manoel de Oliveira.

In this century, the “Gulbenkian Creativity and Artistic creation Programme” has enabled the implementation of filmmaking courses with the London Film School in 2005 and with Deutsche Film - Und Fernsehakademie Berlin (dffb) in 2007. “Gulbenkian Next Future Programme” is another contemporary culture programme dedicated to research and artistic creativity in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa.

Some of the most awarded and internationally recognized young Portuguese filmmakers such as Cláudia Varejão and João Salaviza (Palme D´Or 2009 and Golden Bear 2012) have been benefited from the support of Calouste Gulbenkian in the recent years.



" />

Sunaparanta – Goa Centre for the Arts in association with CLP/Institute Camoes presents 

The FUNDAÇÃO CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN and the Contemporary Portuguese

Cinema Festival

on 19th November 2013 from 6:30 pm onwards


Schedule is as follows:

6.30 pm: Introductory presentation by Delfim Correia da Silva, Director of CLP/Camões in Goa

6.45 – 7:45 pm

ARENA (15´) by João Salaviza

RAFA (25´) by João Salaviza

DISPERSÃO (Dispersal) (4´40´´) by João Constâncio

UM AMOR PRÓPRIO (A love of my own) (5´50´´) by Miguel Tomar Nogueira

A MINHA MÃE É PIANISTA (My mother is a pianist) (4´15´´) by João Rosas

BENÇÃO (Blessing) (4´55´´) by Paula Albuquerque


7.45 pm: Break


8.00  - 9:00 pm

UM DIA FRIO (Cold Day) (27´) by Cláudia Varejão

FIM-DE-SEMANA (Weekend) (8´30´´) by Cláudia Varejão

SUPERFÍCIE (Surface) (13´30´´) by Rui Xavier

MY SUGAR (9´30´´) by Joana Lima



A little detail about some of the film makers:

João Salaviza


Born in Lisbon in 1984. He studied cinema at Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema in Lisbon and completed his studies at the Universidad del Cine in Buenos Aires. His first short film, TWO PEOPLE, 2005, was selected for several festivals and won the Take One Award in Vila do Conde. In 2009, with ARENA, he won the Palme d’Or for best short film at the Cannes Film Festival and the award for best Portuguese short film at IndieLisboa. He then participated in several renowned international festivals such as Tribeca, Rotterdam, London and Pusan (PIFF). In 2010, he finished HOTEL MüLLER (based on the work of Pina Bausch) and CASA NA COMPORTA for the Portuguese entry in the 12th International exhibition of Architecture – Venice Biennale. He is currently working in the short CERRO NEGRO for the programme Próximo Futuro from Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. In the summer of 2011, Salaviza will shoot the short RAFA to be followed by the pre production of his first feature film.



Born in Porto in 1980. In 2002, she initiated her studies in image at Restart, in Lisbon. By the end of the course, she directed her multi-awarded documentary, Falta-me. In 2006, she studied fictional cinema directing at the International Cinema Academy of São Paulo, Brazil, and attended the cinema course within the 2nd edition of th Programa de Criatividade da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian with the Deutsche Film und Fernsehakademie Berlin. She directed her first fiction short, Weekend, in 2007 (selected in Montpellier). Her work has been mainly as director of photography in doucumentaries and the development of video projects with artists from different fields such as Beatriz Batarda, Inês de Medeiros, Joana Vasconcelos, Madalena Victorino, Maria João Pires among others. Cold Day, her second fiction short film, has been selected in Montpellier 2009. Morning Light is her last short.

Background about the Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation: 

Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian was born in Scutari (now Üsküdar), Istanbul on 23 March 1869, the son of Sarkis and Dirouhie Gulbenkian, members of an illustrious Armenian family whose origins date back to the fourth century.

His will (1953) is a clear statement of his philanthropic nature, as he left nearly all of his fortune to the Foundation that he wished to create. The statutory aims of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation -one of the largest foundations in the world- are to work in the fields of welfare, the arts, education and science.

Founded in 1956, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has its headquarter in Avenida de Berna, 45, Lisbon. 

On the field of Arts - one of its four statutory aims - the Foundation maintains a Museum which houses the Calouste Gulbenkian private Collection, and a Modern Art Centre, which comprises and furthers the Foundation's collection of contemporary art works.

The Foundation supports the creation, dissemination and research on plastic arts, history of art, archaeology and heritage, cinema, dance and theatre through grants.

Gulbenkian Foundation started in 1961 a program of scholarships awarded to filmgoers and young generation of filmmakers to study abroad; in September 1971 Gulbenkian established an agreement of collaboration with Centro Português de Cinema and sponsored since then several film productions in Portugal, namely the most prestigious directors of Cinema Novo (New Cinema) such as António-Pedro de Vasconcelos, Paulo Rocha, João César Monteiro, José Fonseca e Costa, António Campos, Alfredo Tropa or Manoel de Oliveira.

In this century, the “Gulbenkian Creativity and Artistic creation Programme” has enabled the implementation of filmmaking courses with the London Film School in 2005 and with Deutsche Film - Und Fernsehakademie Berlin (dffb) in 2007. “Gulbenkian Next Future Programme” is another contemporary culture programme dedicated to research and artistic creativity in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa.

Some of the most awarded and internationally recognized young Portuguese filmmakers such as Cláudia Varejão and João Salaviza (Palme D´Or 2009 and Golden Bear 2012) have been benefited from the support of Calouste Gulbenkian in the recent years.



" />

Sunaparanta – Goa Centre for the Arts in association with CLP/Institute Camoes presents 

The FUNDAÇÃO CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN and the Contemporary Portuguese

Cinema Festival

on 19th November 2013 from 6:30 pm onwards


Schedule is as follows:

6.30 pm: Introductory presentation by Delfim Correia da Silva, Director of CLP/Camões in Goa

6.45 – 7:45 pm

ARENA (15´) by João Salaviza

RAFA (25´) by João Salaviza

DISPERSÃO (Dispersal) (4´40´´) by João Constâncio

UM AMOR PRÓPRIO (A love of my own) (5´50´´) by Miguel Tomar Nogueira

A MINHA MÃE É PIANISTA (My mother is a pianist) (4´15´´) by João Rosas

BENÇÃO (Blessing) (4´55´´) by Paula Albuquerque


7.45 pm: Break


8.00  - 9:00 pm

UM DIA FRIO (Cold Day) (27´) by Cláudia Varejão

FIM-DE-SEMANA (Weekend) (8´30´´) by Cláudia Varejão

SUPERFÍCIE (Surface) (13´30´´) by Rui Xavier

MY SUGAR (9´30´´) by Joana Lima



A little detail about some of the film makers:

João Salaviza


Born in Lisbon in 1984. He studied cinema at Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema in Lisbon and completed his studies at the Universidad del Cine in Buenos Aires. His first short film, TWO PEOPLE, 2005, was selected for several festivals and won the Take One Award in Vila do Conde. In 2009, with ARENA, he won the Palme d’Or for best short film at the Cannes Film Festival and the award for best Portuguese short film at IndieLisboa. He then participated in several renowned international festivals such as Tribeca, Rotterdam, London and Pusan (PIFF). In 2010, he finished HOTEL MüLLER (based on the work of Pina Bausch) and CASA NA COMPORTA for the Portuguese entry in the 12th International exhibition of Architecture – Venice Biennale. He is currently working in the short CERRO NEGRO for the programme Próximo Futuro from Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. In the summer of 2011, Salaviza will shoot the short RAFA to be followed by the pre production of his first feature film.



Born in Porto in 1980. In 2002, she initiated her studies in image at Restart, in Lisbon. By the end of the course, she directed her multi-awarded documentary, Falta-me. In 2006, she studied fictional cinema directing at the International Cinema Academy of São Paulo, Brazil, and attended the cinema course within the 2nd edition of th Programa de Criatividade da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian with the Deutsche Film und Fernsehakademie Berlin. She directed her first fiction short, Weekend, in 2007 (selected in Montpellier). Her work has been mainly as director of photography in doucumentaries and the development of video projects with artists from different fields such as Beatriz Batarda, Inês de Medeiros, Joana Vasconcelos, Madalena Victorino, Maria João Pires among others. Cold Day, her second fiction short film, has been selected in Montpellier 2009. Morning Light is her last short.

Background about the Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation: 

Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian was born in Scutari (now Üsküdar), Istanbul on 23 March 1869, the son of Sarkis and Dirouhie Gulbenkian, members of an illustrious Armenian family whose origins date back to the fourth century.

His will (1953) is a clear statement of his philanthropic nature, as he left nearly all of his fortune to the Foundation that he wished to create. The statutory aims of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation -one of the largest foundations in the world- are to work in the fields of welfare, the arts, education and science.

Founded in 1956, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has its headquarter in Avenida de Berna, 45, Lisbon. 

On the field of Arts - one of its four statutory aims - the Foundation maintains a Museum which houses the Calouste Gulbenkian private Collection, and a Modern Art Centre, which comprises and furthers the Foundation's collection of contemporary art works.

The Foundation supports the creation, dissemination and research on plastic arts, history of art, archaeology and heritage, cinema, dance and theatre through grants.

Gulbenkian Foundation started in 1961 a program of scholarships awarded to filmgoers and young generation of filmmakers to study abroad; in September 1971 Gulbenkian established an agreement of collaboration with Centro Português de Cinema and sponsored since then several film productions in Portugal, namely the most prestigious directors of Cinema Novo (New Cinema) such as António-Pedro de Vasconcelos, Paulo Rocha, João César Monteiro, José Fonseca e Costa, António Campos, Alfredo Tropa or Manoel de Oliveira.

In this century, the “Gulbenkian Creativity and Artistic creation Programme” has enabled the implementation of filmmaking courses with the London Film School in 2005 and with Deutsche Film - Und Fernsehakademie Berlin (dffb) in 2007. “Gulbenkian Next Future Programme” is another contemporary culture programme dedicated to research and artistic creativity in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa.

Some of the most awarded and internationally recognized young Portuguese filmmakers such as Cláudia Varejão and João Salaviza (Palme D´Or 2009 and Golden Bear 2012) have been benefited from the support of Calouste Gulbenkian in the recent years.



" /> Sunaparanta Goa Centre for the Arts | Art gallery in Panjim | Exhibition Spaces

Contemporary Portuguese Cinema Festival - 19 Nov 2013, 6.30 pm onwards at Sunaparanta

14 Nov 2013 to 14 Nov 2013

Locked="false" Priority="39" Name="toc 3" />

Sunaparanta – Goa Centre for the Arts in association with CLP/Institute Camoes presents 

The FUNDAÇÃO CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN and the Contemporary Portuguese

Cinema Festival

on 19th November 2013 from 6:30 pm onwards


Schedule is as follows:

6.30 pm: Introductory presentation by Delfim Correia da Silva, Director of CLP/Camões in Goa

6.45 – 7:45 pm

ARENA (15´) by João Salaviza

RAFA (25´) by João Salaviza

DISPERSÃO (Dispersal) (4´40´´) by João Constâncio

UM AMOR PRÓPRIO (A love of my own) (5´50´´) by Miguel Tomar Nogueira

A MINHA MÃE É PIANISTA (My mother is a pianist) (4´15´´) by João Rosas

BENÇÃO (Blessing) (4´55´´) by Paula Albuquerque


7.45 pm: Break


8.00  - 9:00 pm

UM DIA FRIO (Cold Day) (27´) by Cláudia Varejão

FIM-DE-SEMANA (Weekend) (8´30´´) by Cláudia Varejão

SUPERFÍCIE (Surface) (13´30´´) by Rui Xavier

MY SUGAR (9´30´´) by Joana Lima



A little detail about some of the film makers:

João Salaviza


Born in Lisbon in 1984. He studied cinema at Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema in Lisbon and completed his studies at the Universidad del Cine in Buenos Aires. His first short film, TWO PEOPLE, 2005, was selected for several festivals and won the Take One Award in Vila do Conde. In 2009, with ARENA, he won the Palme d’Or for best short film at the Cannes Film Festival and the award for best Portuguese short film at IndieLisboa. He then participated in several renowned international festivals such as Tribeca, Rotterdam, London and Pusan (PIFF). In 2010, he finished HOTEL MüLLER (based on the work of Pina Bausch) and CASA NA COMPORTA for the Portuguese entry in the 12th International exhibition of Architecture – Venice Biennale. He is currently working in the short CERRO NEGRO for the programme Próximo Futuro from Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. In the summer of 2011, Salaviza will shoot the short RAFA to be followed by the pre production of his first feature film.



Born in Porto in 1980. In 2002, she initiated her studies in image at Restart, in Lisbon. By the end of the course, she directed her multi-awarded documentary, Falta-me. In 2006, she studied fictional cinema directing at the International Cinema Academy of São Paulo, Brazil, and attended the cinema course within the 2nd edition of th Programa de Criatividade da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian with the Deutsche Film und Fernsehakademie Berlin. She directed her first fiction short, Weekend, in 2007 (selected in Montpellier). Her work has been mainly as director of photography in doucumentaries and the development of video projects with artists from different fields such as Beatriz Batarda, Inês de Medeiros, Joana Vasconcelos, Madalena Victorino, Maria João Pires among others. Cold Day, her second fiction short film, has been selected in Montpellier 2009. Morning Light is her last short.

Background about the Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation: 

Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian was born in Scutari (now Üsküdar), Istanbul on 23 March 1869, the son of Sarkis and Dirouhie Gulbenkian, members of an illustrious Armenian family whose origins date back to the fourth century.

His will (1953) is a clear statement of his philanthropic nature, as he left nearly all of his fortune to the Foundation that he wished to create. The statutory aims of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation -one of the largest foundations in the world- are to work in the fields of welfare, the arts, education and science.

Founded in 1956, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has its headquarter in Avenida de Berna, 45, Lisbon. 

On the field of Arts - one of its four statutory aims - the Foundation maintains a Museum which houses the Calouste Gulbenkian private Collection, and a Modern Art Centre, which comprises and furthers the Foundation's collection of contemporary art works.

The Foundation supports the creation, dissemination and research on plastic arts, history of art, archaeology and heritage, cinema, dance and theatre through grants.

Gulbenkian Foundation started in 1961 a program of scholarships awarded to filmgoers and young generation of filmmakers to study abroad; in September 1971 Gulbenkian established an agreement of collaboration with Centro Português de Cinema and sponsored since then several film productions in Portugal, namely the most prestigious directors of Cinema Novo (New Cinema) such as António-Pedro de Vasconcelos, Paulo Rocha, João César Monteiro, José Fonseca e Costa, António Campos, Alfredo Tropa or Manoel de Oliveira.

In this century, the “Gulbenkian Creativity and Artistic creation Programme” has enabled the implementation of filmmaking courses with the London Film School in 2005 and with Deutsche Film - Und Fernsehakademie Berlin (dffb) in 2007. “Gulbenkian Next Future Programme” is another contemporary culture programme dedicated to research and artistic creativity in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa.

Some of the most awarded and internationally recognized young Portuguese filmmakers such as Cláudia Varejão and João Salaviza (Palme D´Or 2009 and Golden Bear 2012) have been benefited from the support of Calouste Gulbenkian in the recent years.