• 01 Jun 2015 to 01 Jun 2015

    Mango Tree after-school Art Programme - every Thursday, 5 to 6.30 pm at Sunaparanta

    Mango Tree after school Art programme - Mango Tree was started in 2009, and this is the 7th year of its operation. At The Mango Tree After School Art Programme, your child will learn what it means to be an artist! Our engaging curriculum teaches our students about artists and art techniques and challenges them to try new things and to express their ideas through visual arts. Your child learns MORE every year at Mango Tree. We teach a ‘spiral curriculum’ which means that every year our students learn new techniques and concepts in a variety of art media.

    The curriculum for 5-6 years is to make art based on the theme ‘All about My Family’ – a project that experiments with techniques depicting people in art.

    The curriculum for 7-9 year olds will explore different forms of Art in a fun and innovative way – through storytelling, imagining characters and transforming them into 3-D creations.

    For whom?  Batch 1 for 5 to 6 year olds and Batch 2 for 7 to 9 year olds

    For more details, please call (0832)-2421311 or write to us on info@sgcfa.org