• 10 Aug 2015 to 10 Aug 2015

    'The Invisible You' by Monika Ghurde on 22nd August '15 at Sunaparanta

    After a successful Smell Workshop with children, Monika Ghurde will be back with another interesting workshop for adults on Saturday, 22nd August ’15 at Sunaparanta – Goa Centre for the Arts.


    ‘The Invisible You’ by Monika Ghurde


    What are you communicating with yourself and with the world outside you through your senses?

    What is influencing you consciously and sub-consciously?

    Sense of smell in all its magnificence is our life-force but nobody knows what the nose knows!

    Discover the hidden world of smell and discover ‘The Invisible You’ with its unique story.


    In this workshop, Monika will take you on a fascinating journey of understanding yourself through your sense of smell.


    Limited seats!  To register, do call us on 0832-2421311 or email us on info@sgcfa.org